To make a big difference to your finances long term, invest in artificial turf. Upfront artificial turf costs are made manageable through financing, and the return on your investment comes in just five years. Considering that artificial turf can last up to 20 years, it’s easy to understand that years 5 through 20 delivers a very low-cost yard. When you install artificial turf in Seattle, your long-term savings accrue so you can bank up money for college, retirement, or other home improvements.
Cost Savings on Water
The first and often the most visible cost savings when first considering the switch to artificial turf, is money saved on water. For an average home, irrigation for your lawn and other landscaping is often more than half of your water bill.
It is estimated that every square foot of grass replaced with artificial turf saves approximately 55 gallons of water per year. That means if you have a 1,000 square foot lawn, you’ll save 55,000 gallons of water on your lawn alone! In Seattle, that would save you at least $403.33 on watering the lawn alone each year.
We’re not saying you won’t need any water for your residential turf. Be prepared to use a little water to help keep it clean when there are spills or debris on the surface. But you’ll still save hundreds of dollars a year on water with an artificial turf lawn.
Cost Savings on Supplies
When you switch to artificial turf, the lawn maintenance tools and equipment costs shrink dramatically.
Because the turf looks green and great all year long, you won’t endure seed or sod expenses for worn-out patches. Artificial turf doesn’t need fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides to manage your natural space, so cross those products from your shopping list. When you add up the cost of fertilizer, herbicide, seed or sod, and other supplies you need to keep your lawn looking great, it’s typically around $2,000 per year. It may not seem like it because typically you buy a little here and a little there, but those costs add up!
Cost Savings on Lawn Care
Whether you are hiring a lawn care company or doing it yourself, you will save on the costs associated with maintaining a lawn. If you are hiring a company, the average lawn care cost in Seattle is $50 per visit. Whether you have them come once a month or every week, you’re saving $600 to $2,400 per year. Even if you do your own lawn maintenance, you’ll save time that you can now put toward other projects, family time, or even work.
Cost Savings for Your Commercial Space
If you’re considering commercial turf installation for your business, artificial turf can save you even more! Typically, businesses or commercial office buildings hire landscape companies to take care of the grass. Their fees run into thousands of dollars each year. Installing turf saves on this cost — while also allowing your company to make a fresh, lively first impression on new customers and visitors to the facility. The benefits of turf for your business mean you will have a nice green, welcoming space all year long, without the added costs of relentless upkeep.
Now that the overall cost benefits of an artificial lawn are clear, feel free to ask our experts your specific questions. They can discuss different types of turf, the best application for each option, and what might be right for your residential or commercial building. The artificial turf cost can quickly be recouped. If you’re ready to make the switch and start saving money on your Seattle lawn, the artificial turf professionals at SYNLawn Seattle are here to help. Call 425-466-9581 or fill out this form to get started.
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